Jetflow aviation training provides courses for conversion foreign licenses to FAA, offering personalized training in accordance with your needs with guidance from zero to hero.

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ATP-CTP (Airline Transport Pilot Certification Training Program)

The ATP-CTP (Airline Transport Pilot Certification Training Program) is a prerequisite for taking the FAA WRITTEN EXAM, a prerequisite for the FAA ATP Certification and for the ATP Type Rating.

Alliance with Global One Training Group


A320 Type rating Training Requirements:

This program is for those desiring to earn the ATPL Certification, as well a Type Rating Endorsement after successful completion of their ATP-CTP course and FAA Written Exam.

ATP-CTP (Airline Transport Pilot Certification Training Program)

Ground School
30 Hours
10 Hours
  • Aerodynamics
  • Automation
  • Airplane weather detection systems
  • High-altitude aerodynamics and maneuvering
  • Multi-crew communication training
  • Multi-crew environment checklist usage
  • Low-visibility operations
  • Air carrier operations
  • Transport airplane performance
  • Leadership and development
  • CRM and Safety

This program is offered at Orlando Sanford International Airport.

Eligibility requirements There are no requirements for the ATP-CTP course. Just bring your pilot license!

Certificate expiration The ATP-CTP certificate has no expiration date. It is always valid.

Graduation certificate You will receive an ATP-CTP GRADUATION CERTIFICATE at the successful completion of the ATP‐CTP course.

Registration fees Complete the on-line enrollment application, pay 50% as a deposit fee to secure your desired training slot. Your refund is fully refundable until the time that your requested training slot is confirmed. Credit Card is acceptable as a payment (add 3.50% for credit card convenience fees). Wire transfer is preferred. Course balance is due 30 days prior to start date.

Cancellation policy 100% refund 35 days prior to class start date.

Does ATP‐CTP result in a type rating? No. It is not a type rating course. It is a stand‐alone requirement to the ATP written exam for multiengine and Type Rating.

If I am a Non-US citizen, can I still obtain a ATP-CTP? Yes you can, but the TSA security clearance is required for non‐US citizens.

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64 Hours
20 Hours
02 Hours
02 Hours
06 Hours

This core curriculum is the approved course of training which leads to a type rating in the A320 aircraft, and is also the approved course of training for those pilots that meet the Air Transport Pilot (ATP) requirements of 14 CFR Part 61 in order to obtain an ATP certificate. Trainees must successfully complete the applicable A320 Ground Training curriculum segments before proceeding to the Flight Training curriculum segments.

Curriculum prerequisites

Hold at least a commercial pilot certificate with multi engine and instrument ratings, and meets the requirements of 14 cfr far 61.153, 61.155, and 61.159.

Prerequisites experience
  • hold a type rating in a turbojet airplane of the same class of airplane that does not contain a supervised operating experience limitation
  • have 1,000 hours of flight time in two different turbojet airplanes of the same class of airplane
  • have 500 hours of flight time in the same type of airplane or has logged at least 2,000 hours of flight time, of which 500 hours were in turbine-powered airplanes of the same class of airplane for which the type rating is sought.
Course overview for crew
  • Ground school: 64 hours including (40 hours e-learn cbt and 24 hours class)
  • Simulator training: 05 simulator modules: 20 hours (10 hours per pilot)
  • Loft: 04 hours (02 hours per pilot)
  • Oral exam: 02 hours per pilot
  • Simulator practical test: 06 hours (03 hours per pilot)

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Distance learning or on-site
40 Hours
16 Hours
Simulator training
04 Hours
04 Hours
Oral Exam
02 Hours
Simulator practical test
06 Hours

This core curriculum is the approved training which leads to a type rating in the A320 aircraft, and is also the approved training for those pilots that meet the Air Transport Pilot (ATP) requirements of 14 CFR Part 61 in order to obtain an ATP certificate. Trainees must successfully complete the applicable A320 Ground Training curriculum segments, before proceeding to the Flight Training curriculum segments.

Curriculum prerequisites
  • hold at least a commercial pilot certificate with multi engine and instrument ratings
  • previously qualified in the a319, a320, a321, a330 or a340 aircrafts as pilot-in-command (pic) or second-in-command (sic) with a minimum of 250 hours in the previous 12 – 59 months.
  • previusly qualified (within 12 months) as pilot-in-command (pic) or second-in-command (sic) in the a319, a320, a321, a330 or a340.
  • Recent experience on type in the previous 12-35 months: 16 hours ground training / 08 hours flight training
  • Recent experience on type in the previous 36-59 months: 24 hours ground training / 16 hours flight training
Prerequisites experience / Limitations
  • Hold at least a commercial pilot certificate with multi engine and instrument ratings
  • Previously qualified in the a319, a320, a321, a330 or a340 aircrafts as pilot-in-command (pic) or second-in-command (sic) with a minimum of 250 hours in the previously 12 – 59 months.
  • Previusly qualified (within 12 months) as pilot-in-command (pic) or second-in-command (sic) in the a319, a320, a321, a330 or a340.
  • Recent experience on type in the previous 12-35 months: 16 hours ground training / 08 hours flight training
  • Recent experience on type in the previous 36-59 months: 24 hours ground training / 16 hours flight training
Minimum requirements of part 61.159 which include:
  • 1,500 hours of total time flow
  • 500 hours cross country
  • 100 hours night time
  • 75 hours of instrument time
  • 250 hours of pic
  • 250 hours on type during last 35 months or 59 months
Course overview for crew
  • Distance learning or on-site: 40 hours
  • Ground school general subjects: 16 hours
  • Simulator training: 01 simulator modules: 04 hours (02 hours per pilot)
  • Loft: 04 hours (02 hors per pilot)
  • Oral exam: 02 hours per pilot
  • Simulator practical test: 06 hours (03 hours per pilot)

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